SDOs can have data object properties that can be any of the simple PHP scalar types: string, integer, float or Boolean, as well as NULL or a reference to another SDO. SDO的数据对象属性可为任意简单PHP标量类型:字符串、整型、浮点、布尔,还可以是NULL或另一个SDO的引用。
The repetitive control algorithm includes scalar gain of the reference input with a lead block in the signal generator. A second-order low-pass filter provides compensation in the controller. 该算法中在输入参考信号处直接增加一个比例增益环节,在信号发生器处串联一个超前的时滞环节,并且用一个二阶低通滤波器作为控制系统的补偿函数。
We conclude that the central communicative function of hyperbolic metaphors lies in triggering scalar implicatures rather than aiming for dual reference. 因此,夸张性隐喻在交际中的主要功能是传递梯级含义的功能,而不是双重指代功能。
Based on the scalar diffraction theory, in-depth discussion of the reference plane at the field distribution. 基于标量衍射理论,深入讨论分析了参考平面处的场分布情况。